
cd16. I love getting to sleep in and snuggle in the bed with dh on Saturday mornings. Nothing like a little Saturday morning shuffle, know what I mean? So in the heat of the moment this morning, dh says, "Let's make this one count. You are definitely ovulating!" How in the hell does he know that??? More than likely, I am, according to where I am at in the cycle and how my cm looks. But he's so sure of it. Hmmm....Afterward, he pulled my legs up and shook them, saying, "Get down in there, guys!"

He came home from work yesterday, all excited because he bought my Christmas present yesterday. God love him, he usually waits until Christmas Eve because he just can't stand to wait until we open our gifts. This next month will kill him! Hopefully, my Christmas present to him was "purchased" today....If I am pregnant, I will wait until Christmas to tell him. We'll know in a couple weeks.

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