
I have been avoiding my blog because I just feel so foolish.

Guess who showed up late Monday night? You guessed it, that red-headed bitch named Aunt Flow. Heiffer. I hate her. I was DEVESTATED. I started bawling right there on the toilet. Then I proceded to get rip-roaring drunk. I didn't go to work on Tuesday. I couldn't stop crying.

I was just soooo sure!!! The changes in my body were unlike anything I'd ever experienced before a period. I mean, I got these little bumps on my nips, for crissake! EVERYTHING was swollen! The cramps were horrendous! And all this went on for a full seven days! Very unlike any PMS ever. My system was just overrun with progesterone, I reckon.

I had it all planned out in my mind how to tell the family. My dd had even put "little sister or brother" on her Christmas list! I was going to buy her one of those "Big Sister" t-shirts and wrap it up for Christmas morning. Then, when she wore it to our family's house for Christmas dinner, everyone would see it.

I think this is why I am so devestated. It was soooo perfect.

I can't go through this again.

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