
I've been off bcp's for ten days now and have noticed some changes. My face now regularly has a zit somewhere on it at all times; I usually get one or two zits a month or less. My sex drive is on the increase. Usually, I could live without it and not really miss it. However, since I stopped the pill, I really enjoy it and look forward to being with DH. Hell, I've even instigated it once or twice! [GASP!] My mood also seems better (could be the sex?LOL!). Some other changes I've noticed may or may not have anything to do with getting off bc. I've been feeling a heaviness in my uterus for the last 3 or 4 days, which could be from my body gearing back up to lay eggs. Also, I've noticed a change in bm's...like pooping gravel lately! (sorry, TMI, I know.)

Overall, I feel really good right now. I've been working out 2 or 3 times a week for the last six months or so. My weight is where it should be. I've been taking a multi-vitamin and extra calcium every day. I haven't smoked a cig in almost 18 months, and I've been cutting way down on alcohol consumption. I'm probably the healthiest I've ever been in my adult life.

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