
Happy New Year! We rang in the new year very quietly this year. Actually, this is not much different than the last couple years, other than we usually have a few drinks. I called my mom and dad on New Year's Eve and told them the news. My mom was happy, my dad's comment was, "That's just what you need. You should've gotten another dog." Thanks for the positive vibes, there, Pops. I've known my dad long enough to know not to take this too personally. He's just a grumpy old fart. Inside, I know he's tickled. We've decided not to tell dh's family or dd just yet. We want to make sure the little bean sticks before we get everyone all excited. (The reason I told my Mom is because she knew we were trying, and, welll....dammit, she's my mommy!)

I can't help but compare my excitement level to the first time. I swear, last time around I was on the phone with everyone I could think of about 5 minutes after the positive test. I even told my boss the very next day (GASP!), which in hindsight was a bit quick. I was just sooo excited! I wanted everyone in the world to know. You would've thought I'd cornered the market on this pregnancy thang. I couldn't wait to start showing so everyone would know.

This time, I have been strangely calm. I saw the plus sign and said, hmmm...I'm pregnant. No wild heart flutters, no freaking out, no hopping on the phone (although I did email my friend a picture of the positive test, heehee). I am quite content with as few people as necessary knowing my little secret. I am not really looking forward to showing. I'm really not looking forward to everyone at work finding out. (I've only been there one year.)

Maybe it hasn't hit me yet. Or just maybe, I really am this calm about it. Stay tuned.